Our Faculty Members Zhao Xin and Wang Yaopeng were Selected for the 2022 Science and Technology Think Tank Young Talent Program


On July 6, the Strategic Development Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST) announced the list of young talents selected for the 2022 Science and Technology Think Tank Program. Our faculty members Zhao Xin and Wang Yaopeng were selected as congratulations.

Project name

Principal Investigator


A Study on the Mechanisms and Optimization Paths of   Digital Technology-Driven Urban Community Governance Transformation

Zhao Xin

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Research on the Development of Green Innovation   Model and Countermeasures for Private Enterprises under the Goal of   Double Carbon

Wang Yaopeng

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Translator: ZHOU Yiwei

Reviewer: FU Wenhan