The Delegation of Business School Visited Shanghai Golden Education Technology Co.,Ltd


In the afternoon of July 12, Wang Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Business School, Zhao Laijun, Dean of Business School, Chen Zhiyong, Deputy Director of the Department of Accounting , Gao Guangkuo, Head of the Master Program of Finance, and Yuan Junwei, Deputy Director of the Student Work Office visited Shanghai Golden Education Technology Co., Ltd. Mr. Li Feng, President of Golden Education, Mr. Tan Chunlin, General Manager of Shanghai brunch, Mr. Han Yong, Director of Campus Cooperation, Mr. Xu Wenshui, Head of Shanghai North Zone, and Mr. He Yu, ACCA Project Manager received the delegation.

The delegation first visited the product R&D center, internet technology center, student consultation center and student service center in the headquarters of Golden Group. Through the field visit, they further understood the corporate strategy, business scale and technological achievements of Golden Education, and watched the corporate video.

Afterwards, both sides held a discussion and exchange. President Li Feng expressed his warm welcome to the delegation of Business School. After reviewing the origin of the cooperation with USST-BS, he introduced Golden Education’s  development, business model and brand advantages, and he indicated that the company pays great attention to the cooperation with universities.As  a well-known institution for finance education in China, it has a strong influence and a good brand image. The core business value is to provide students with high quality education services and create an education ecosystem covering the whole learning process and professional career for finance students. They hope that through this discussion, they can further strengthen cooperation with Business School in more dimensions and at a deeper level to achieve strong cooperation and complementary advantages.

Dean Zhao Laijun expressed his appreciation for the warm reception of Golden Education and introduced the development of the school from the aspects of school scale, discipline advancement, faculty strength, talent training, professional degree education and internationalization. He stated that Business School has a large student base, strong faculty, complete disciplines, and significant advantages of cross-disciplinary integration. He hoped that through this visit, both sides could build on the good foundation and explore further cooperation in curriculum construction, integration of industry and college, student career development, senior manager training, and internationalization, and promote the common development of both sides.

Finally, the two sides had an in-depth discussion on the content and form of cooperation, especially the cooperation on talent cultivation, student career planning and EDP training for the departments of finance and accounting. In the future, the two sides will further plan and contact. Through integrating the advantageous resources of both schools and enterprises and giving full play to the advantages of collaborative education, they will jointly improve the quality of talent training in Business School and provide more competitive talents for the society.

Visit the company

Discussions and exchanges

Group photo

Translator: XU Jiawen

Reviewer: QIAN Ying