
Business school invited renowned Prof. Rakesh D. Raut from the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India, towards an open exchange and discussion on-line about AACSB review preparation in the afternoon of September 17, 2022. The event was hosted by Indian teacher Dr. Hareesh. Present at the event were Professor He Jianjia, vice dean of Business School, Dr. Wang Yaopeng, Dean’s Assitant, Ms. Zhong Weibing, Director of the Internationalization Development Office, and members of the Internationalization Development Office.

Firstly, Dr. Hareesh briefly introduced Prof. Raut’s teaching and research, and his study at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland with an emphasis on the role of accreditation towards operability in academics and the importance of the discussion. He Jianjia expressed the warm welcome and thanks for Prof. Raut on behalf of business school, where he briefly elaborated on the international development of the college, the situation of international students of the business school.

Secondly, Prof. Raut briefly introduced his academic research and collaboration followed by a discussion of the bottom-up accreditation integration strategy followed by his school and demonstrated the Workflow and templates used for standardized data collection.

At last, the participants interacted and discussed about the AACSB accreditation and international cooperation. In upkeeping the AACSB framework for knowledge sharing and exchange, Prof. Raut would offer external review support to our business school. In the meeting we also talked about the international exchange for professors and students along with MoU signing with USST business school in the coming time.

NITIE is an institution which has been highly evaluated by the AACSB Certification Commission in India. Strengthening transnational exchanges with international AACSB accrediated institutions will help improve our AACSB accrediation’s preparation, broaden our horizons, rich our thinking and innovate our ideas. The meeting also laid a foundation for the college to expand international cooperation with South Asia.

Writer information: Dr. Hareesh