Celebration of the 116th Anniversary of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology -- and the Third Board Meeting of the Fourth Shanghai Alumni Association of the Business School was Successfully Held


In the golden autumn of October, cinnamon is fragrant. On the afternoon of October 29, the 116th Anniversary of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology -- and the third board meeting of the fourth Shanghai Alumni Association of the Business School was held in the conference room 506 of the Business School. Sheng Chun, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee and Vice President, Zhou Guoxiong, Honorary President of the Shanghai Alumni Association of the Business School, Lv Gui, President, and members of the fourth board of directors of the Shanghai Alumni Association of the Business School as well as party and management leaders and department leaders of the Business School attended the meeting. The meeting was both online and offline, chaired by Ma Jingbo, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Business School, and

Ma Jingbo, Secretary of the College Party Committee, host the meeting

In his speech, Sheng Chun first welcomed all the alumni on behalf of the University and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the alumni who have always cared about and supported the development of the University. He affirmed the achievements of the Business School in recent years in discipline development, talent cultivation, internationalization and other aspects. He also pointed out that the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology has always attached great importance to the work of alumni, and in the future, it will continue to promote the alumni association of the university in the future by making more efforts in the terms of "heart", "feelings" and "wisdom". He stressed that alumni are the greatest spiritual and material wealth of the university, and hoped that more alumni would actively participate in establishing a community of destiny with their alma mater, and continuously improve the faculty development, curriculum upgrading, talent cultivation and the level of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and jointly draw a new chapter.

Sheng Chun, the Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee and Vice President, delivered a speech

In his speech, Zhou Guoxiong pointed out that the alumni association is not only an important platform for alumni to disseminate information, exchange experience, help each other and strengthen cooperation, but also a link for communication between the alma mater and alumni. It is also an important force to improve the social reputation of the alma mater and promote the open education of the school. It is also an asset to promote the development of the school and the university. He called on all the alumni to continue to support and promote the development and improvement of the alma mater, work together with the school, strengthen cooperation in the integration of industry and education, science and education, etc., so as to promote the school to a higher level.

Zhou Guoxiong, the Honorary President of the Alumni Association of the Business School, delivered a speech

Zhao Laijun made a report on the development of the school to all the alumni, entitled "A New Chapter of the School with Small but Fast Steps in Extraordinary Times". The report summarized from eight aspects, including the development of the faculty, the establishment of academic degree programs, the cultivation of undergraduate students, employment work, and international cooperation. He hoped that all the alumni could give advice and suggestions for the development of their alma mater and contribute their wisdom and strength to the building of an international first-class elite business school.

Zhao Laijun, Dean of the Business School, gave a report

Later, Ding Zufa, the general manager of the fund office of Zhongzhi Group and the vice president of the alumni association, Wang Haibo, the outstanding alumnus of the school and the chief operation officer of Shanghai Radio and TV Station, and Jing Jiawu, the outstanding alumnus of the school and the operation director of Nuotong (Shanghai) Digital Medical Technology Co., exchanged their views around "Cultivate communication ability and improve workplace competitiveness", “Cultivate enterprising spirit and meet various challenges” and  “Learn from the experience of the industry alumni association and promote the development of alumni association of Business School”. In their speeches, they mentioned that the communication ability is competitive advantage in the workplace. The school should cultivate the communication ability from the aspects of setting up communication courses, building a display and exchange platform, and establishing a school enterprise internship base; Outstanding talents should master the new knowledge required by society and improve their ability to manage time; The school should integrate all aspects to promote the growth and development of the alumni association especially brand promotion and industry and professional enterprise linkage. Other alumni directors have also shared their own insights on talent cultivation, industry development, school-enterprise cooperation, and alumni association development, etc.

Theme exchange and interaction session

In his speech, Lv Gui pointed out that to improve the quality of talent cultivation requires not only the continuous efforts of teachers and students, but also the strong support of all alumni. He hoped that all alumni would gather with the University and build a bond of communication between their alma mater, alumni and society. Draw a new chapter of building a platform for talent cultivation and development in the business school, and contribute to the bright future of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

Speech by Lv Gui, President of the College Alumni Association

On the same day, all departments of the business school held alumni salons at the same time, inviting outstanding alumni and teachers and students to focus on themes such as "Student Career Planning in the Digital Economy Era", "New Era, New Vision, New Future: International Trade Talent Forum", "Promoting the System of Thinking and cultivation of Talents", "Finance: Learning, Career and Life", "IE Growth, Career Development, Job hunting and Employment", "Inspiring the Future, Opening a New Chapter, and the Development of Transportation System Engineering", "cultivation and employment of comprehensive talents in business administration", "taxation: civil servants' examination preparation and enterprise employment experience", "career development for public administrative students in the new era", "Hujiang Accounting Navigator Forum for the Business School: ride with wind and waves". The other topics were deeply exchanged and discussed to jointly celebrate the 116th anniversary of our alma mater.

Meeting Scene

Alumni salon of all departments