The 8th Shanghai MPA Forum Successfully Held at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology


On April 14, the 8th Shanghai MPA Forum, co-organized by Shanghai MPA Education Steering Committee and Shanghai Public Affairs Management Research Association and hosted by University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, was held. The theme of this year's forum was High-quality Urban Development and Government Governance Innovation. More than 100 students and faculty members from the National MPA Education Committee, Shanghai MPA Education Committee and 16 MPA training units in Shanghai attended the forum.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Prof. Gu Limei, Secretary General of Shanghai MPA Academic Committee and Fudan University. Prof. Sheng Chun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, delivered a speech on behalf of the university, welcoming the teachers and students from 16 MPA training institutions in Shanghai. He briefly reviewed the history of the university and the current development of MPA degree programs, and thanked the National MPA Education Committee and Shanghai MPA Education Committee for their support to the university. After that, Prof. Ding Huang, a member of the National MPA Education Committee and Wuhan University, and Prof. Jiang Xiaoping, a member of the National MPA Education Committee and Sichuan University, delivered speeches respectively. Zhao Laijun, Dean of Business School of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, delivered a speech on behalf of the forum organizer, briefly introduced the history, development status, disciplinary advantages and characteristics of the Business School,  and expressed his confidence in running the forum and his outlook on the development and construction of the MPA degree program of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. 

Group photo of the forum participants

    Gu Limei hosting opening ceremony

Sheng Chun delivering speech

Ding Huang delivering speech

Jiang Xiaoping delivering speech

Zhao Laijun delivering speech

The second keynote speech of the forum was hosted by Professor Gao Enxin, Deputy Director of the Department of Economics and Management of East China Normal University. Ding Huang shared his keynote speech on Several relationships that should be correctly handled in the new era of MPA education in China. Jiang Xiaoping, Professor Liu Bangcheng from Shanghai Jiaotong University, member of the National MPA Education Committee, and Professor Li Ruichang, Director of Department of Public Administration, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, presented A Practical Sample of High-Quality Urban Development - Towards a Happy and Beautiful Park Community respectively. The keynote speeches were entitled Rethinking MPA Dissertation Work Based on the Perspective of Cultivating Cadre Talents and Three Difficulties of Preventive Public Security Governance, which focused on the new situation and new tasks facing MPA education in China. The keynote speech was focused on the new situation and tasks facing MPA education in China.

Gao Enxin hosting keynote speech

Jiang Xiaoping delivering keynote speech

Liu Bangcheng delivering keynote speech

Li Ruichang delivering keynote speech

The third keynote speech of the forum (teacher training) was hosted by Professor Zhou Xianghong of Tongji University, the deputy director of Shanghai MPA Education Committee. Professor Kong Fanbin from Nanjing University, member of the National MPA Education Committee, Professor Fan Bo from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Executive Dean of the School of Emergency Management, and Professor Tan Yongzhong from Zhejiang University, Deputy Director of the MPA Education Center, gave speeches on Common Problems and Applications of Current MPA Education, A Brief Discussion of Graduate Student Dissertation Guidance and The Training of Public Management Talents for National Development and Governance - Zhejiang University, respectively, who discussed in deep the problems of MPA faculty training in China and how to improve the quality and level of MPA faculty.


Zhou Xianghong delivering keynote speech(teacher training)

Kong Fanbing delivering keynote speech

Fan Bo delivering keynote speech

Tan Yongzhong delivering keynote speech

In the afternoon, Prof. Yan Jinming of Renmin University of China, secretary-general of the National MPA Education Committee, delivered a keynote speech entitled A Preliminary Study on Building an Autonomous Knowledge System for Public Administration in China, which was moderated by Gu Limei.


Yan Jinming delivering keynote speech

In the fourth unit of sub-forum session, the participating experts expressed their views on the future development opportunities and challenges of MPA education in China. Yan Jinming, Liu Bangcheng, Kong Fanbin, Gao Enxin, Zhou Xianghong, Tan Yongzhong, Ren Yong, Zhang Zheng and Kong Fanhong participated in the summit forum. The experts reviewed the submitted conference papers and graduation theses in each sub-forum and had academic exchanges with MPA students. the training for MPA teaching managers was hosted by Prof. Che Liping, Director of MPA Program, Professional Degree Education Center, School of Management, Shanghai University of Technology. Dr. Xie Jiahong, Director of the Secretariat Office of the National MPA Education Committee, gave a report on the theme of The Importance of MPA Education and Teaching Management in China.


Summit forum site

Sub-forum 1-Chen Shuisheng(host), Jiang Lai(comment)

Sub-forum 2-Sun Rong(host), Tang Liping(comment)

Sub-forum 3-Xie Wei(host), Li Xiaoxia(comment)

Sub-forum 4-Gong Xiuquan(host), Zhang Ping(comment)

Sub-forum 5-Li Jianzhong(host), Zeng Li(comment)

Sub-forum 6-Song Chengcheng(host), Zhui Shuicheng(comment)

Sub-forum 7-Gu Zhengzheng(host), Luo Guofen(comment)

Xie Hongjia delivering speech

The closing ceremony was hosted by Prof. Zhang Zheng, Deputy Dean of Business School, University for Science and Technology. Professor Zhu Chunkui of Fudan University, a member of the National MPA Education and Guidance Committee, read out the winners of the outstanding thesis and conference papers of the forum. During the award ceremony, Yan Jinming and other guests presented the award certificates to the representatives of each award-winning unit. Yan Jinming and Gu Limei made concluding remarks on the successful holding of the forum. Gu Limei announced that the next Shanghai MPA Forum would be hosted by Shanghai Normal University. Associate Professor Li Jianzhong, Director of MPA Education Center of Shanghai Normal University, made a speech on behalf of the next forum organizer.


Zhang Zheng hosting closing ceremony

Zhu Chunkui announcing winners

Award ceremony

Award ceremony

Yan Jinming concluding remarks

Gu Limei concluding remarks

Li Jianzhong speaking

The forum selected 9 first-class, 9 second-class, 27 third-class and 5 superior awards for excellent thesis, 5 first-class, 9 second-class and 13 third-class awards for excellent conference papers. Our MPA students Li Yandy, Chen Guyu, Zhou Minji, Lin Hanzhe and Xu Jiayu won the second and third prizes and the superior prize of the forum respectively, and Ding Jing won the second prize of the excellent conference paper.

Appendix: Award List 1

The 8th Shanghai MPA forum outstanding thesis   winners





Cheng Qian

East China University of Political Science and   Law

Cai Hui

Shanghai Normal University

Hao Yang

Fudan University

Chen Guyu

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Jin Di

East China Normal University

Chen Yixin

East China Normal University

Liu Song

Fudan University

Ding Aqian

East China University of Science and Technology

Shen Jiawei

Party School of Shanghai Municipal Committee of   the Communist Party of China

Ding Xiaodan

Donghua University

Xu Hongdao

Fudan University

Li Haojie

Party School of Shanghai Municipal Committee of   the Communist Party of China

Zhang Junjian

East China University of Science and Technology

Liang Yan

Donghua University

Zhao Luqiao

Fudan University

Lu Yue

Donghua University

Fu Yongdi

Fudan University

Lu Wanfei

Donghua University



Mo Chaojia

East China University of Political Science and   Law



Pu Shiting

Fudan University

Li Wei

East China Normal University

Shen Jiayan

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Li Yandi

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Shi Yayun

East China University of Science and Technology

Liu Ying

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Shu Yue

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Lu Yaqing

East China Normal University

Wang Haozhe

Fudan University

Tian Dandan

Fudan University

Wang Xiaowen

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Xu Wei

East China Normal University

Weng Jinawei

Shanghai Ocean University

Zhang Er

East China University of Science and Technology

Xu Wei

East China Normal University

Zhang Lu

Fudan University

Xu Xuntao

East China University of Science and Technology

Zhu Junjing

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Yang Jie

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics



Yao Jing

East China University of Science and Technology



Zhang Huan

Donghua University

Kuang Liukui

Shanghai Customs College

Zhang Ning

Donghua University

Lin Hanzhe

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Zhao Na

East China Normal University

Shi Wanyan

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Zhou Haoji

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Sun Mengyao

Donghua University

Zhu Bing

Fudan University

Xu Jiayu

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Zhu Ting

Tongji University


 Award List 2

The 8th Shanghai MPA forum outstanding conference   paper winners





Chen Chun

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Ding Yi

East China University of Political Science and   Law

Jin Chunzi

East China Normal University

Ji Wanjiao

East China University of Political Science and   Law

Shao Zhen

East China University of Science and Technology

Li Tongxin

Party School of Shanghai Municipal Committee of   the Communist Party of China

Si Qianqian

East China University of Science and Technology

Li Yijie

Tongji University

Xu Mengzheng

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Lin Xiaxia

East China University of Political Science and   Law



Liu Tinglan

Fudan University



Lu Guangwen

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Chen Chuqing

Fudan University

Wang Hui

Shanghai Ocean University

Ding Jing

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Wang Longzhong

Shanghai Customs College

Jin Tao

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Wang Xiaoming

East China Normal University

Lu Yuan

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Wang Xiao

Party School of Shanghai Municipal Committee of   the Communist Party of China

Xi Jiajie

East China University of Political Science and   Law

Zhang Sen

Donghua University

Xiao Sihan

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Zhu Yihao

East China Normal University

Zhang Fanbo

East China University of Science and Technology



Zhang Zhenzhen

East China University of Science and Technology



Chen Yizhou

Zhejiang University