Representatives of Teachers and Students of Our School Participated in the Launching Ceremony of "USST Students Changbai Summer Social Practice Activities"


On the morning of June 19th, 2023, the launch ceremony of "USST Students Changbai Summer Social Practice Activities" was held in the conference room on the fourth floor of Changbai Xincun Street. Xie Jing, deputy director of the Sub-district Office, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhu Shuicheng, director of the Department of Public Administration, Business School, USST, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The relevant comrades of the Sub-district Office, the secretary of the general Party branch of the residential area, the director of the neighbourhood committee, and the relevant teachers and students of USST participated in this meeting.

At the meeting, Changbai Xincun Street resident district teacher and student representatives exchanged speeches.

Zhu Shuicheng thanked Changbai Xincun Street for providing students with valuable practical opportunities and put forward three requirements for students: First, combine learning with thinking, unite knowledge and action. Dare to explore, find problems, and be good at analysing problems in community practice. Second, "dare to venture and be able to create" enhances the spirit of innovation, creation awareness and entrepreneurial ability through personal participation. Third, combine theory with practice. It is necessary to take root in the community to understand the people's feelings, to increase wisdom and skills in practice, and to exercise willpower in hard work.

Xie Jing pointed out that Business School and Changbai Xincun Street have a long-term and close cooperative relationship, and Changbai has always been an important practice base for USST students. The street will carefully arrange the internship content and do a good job in teaching and service work, the combination of ideal and reality of the "Great Ideological and Political Courses" so that students in the social class can "receive education, improve abilities, and make contributions."At the same time, she hoped that the students would take this practice as an opportunity, based on what they have learned, to show their strengths to bring energy to learning and vitality to the community.

This activity further deepens and extends "USST- Changbai" cooperation. In the future, our school will continue to explore more exchanges and cooperation with Changbai Xincun Street in community governance, social practice, cultural education, mechanism innovation, etc.

                                Translated by: Bai Yuting

                                                       Reviewed by: Wang Yaopeng