The 2024 Joint Enrollment Conference for Professional Degree Programs of the Business School of USST was Successfully Held


As the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation deepens, digital technology has increasingly become a leading force driving fundamental changes and all-around reshaping of the way of thinking, organisational structure and operation of human society. This has provided us with new major opportunities and challenges to innovate paths, reshape forms and promote development.

On the afternoon of July 1st, 2023, the Professional Degree Education Center of Business School of USST held "The 2024 Joint Enrollment Conference for Professional Degree Programs of Business School of USST" theme was "Digital leading, Create the future". Program directors, academic speakers and outstanding Professional Degree Education Center alums were invited to attend the event. Zhang Zheng, vice dean, deputy director of the Professional Degree Education Center and director of the MBA Program of Business School, presided over the event.

Zhang Zheng presided over the conference and delivered a speech.

At the beginning of the event, Zhang Zheng welcomeall the guests, alums and teachers warmly. In his speech, he mentioned that since the establishment of the MBA Education Center of USST in 2002, the Professional Degree Education Center of Business School has developed from 1 MBA education centre to 7M centres, including4 management joint examination programs (MBA, MPA, MEM, MPAcc) and 3 economic joint examination programs (MIB, MF, MT). Nowadays, the two professional degree programs of "Industrial Engineering and Management" and "Logistics Engineering and Management" are also incorporated into the centre, forming a large centre of "4+3+2 (7M, 9professional degrees)", highlighting the school-running strength, disciplinary advantages, as well as the characteristics of coordinated development and cross-integration of multi-disciplines.

Next, Ge Yuhui, dean of the Department of Business Administration and executive deputy director of the EDP Center gave an academic speech entitled "Reshaping and Promoting Leadership in the Digital Age". He introduced the topic with "' practice' is more important than study" from the connotation and challenges of digital transformation, what does digital transformation do to achieve "transform", the development trend of human management in the digital era, the challenges of managers in the digital era, the ability of leaders in the digital era to reshape, and the reshaping of leaders' thinking in the digital era. He shared his latest research results in the field of leadership.

Ge Yuhui delivered an academic speech.

Management Joint Examination Programs Enrollment Conference

Zhang Zheng systematically summarised the overall situation of USST, Business School and the MBA program from the aspects of university education history, school history, organisational structure, faculty strength, discipline construction, etc. He said that the MBA program at USST has a long history. In 2018, Business School passed the AACSB certification and entered the ranks of world-class Business Schools. The MBA program of USST focused on creating three characteristic directions: medical device management, innovation and entrepreneurship management and artificial intelligence management, to cultivate and expand students' innovative thinking and international vision to better meet the needs of management talents in Shanghai and the whole country in the new era. The program is equipped with faculty strength with a relevant background in strategic emerging industries, and famous corporate executives are hired as joint training supervisors. This program implements a double tutorial system, small-class teaching, and 2 years of schooling. The school also has a generous scholarship policy for MBA students.

Zhang Zheng introduced the MBA program.

Che Liping, director of the MPA program, said that USST is the fifth batch of MPA training institutions approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China in 2010. The MPA program relies on the advantageous disciplines of Business School and USST, focuses on 11 public management fields, such as Administration Management, and has more detailed research directions to provide students with diversified choices. MPA of USST has a strong teaching strength and adopted the "three-dimensional integrated" training mode and five modules curriculum, which meet the requirements of MPA students' comprehensive quality training—focused on cultivating students' ability of systematic dialectical thinking and improving students' ability to comprehensive analysis and practical management. Fully cultivate students' comprehensive quality and improve their practical ability in public administration through case analysis, research theory, research practice, national MPA case competition, public administration forum, etc.

Che Liping introduced the MPA program.

Ye Chunming, director of the MEM program, stressed that USST is one of the first batches of approved Master of Engineering Management (MEM) training units, and also (IPMP) talent training base has a strong strength in MEM education. The research directions of MEM of USST are intelligent manufacturing engineering management, modern engineering project management, big data and information engineering management. In student training, the point is placed on combining basic courses and social practice. The scholarship standards for the 2024 Award will be significantly increased.

Ye Chunming introduced the MEM program.

Yu Qianlong, deputy director of the MPAcc program, said that the MPAcc program closely follows the social demand for high-level, high-quality, application-oriented, international financial, accounting and auditing professionals, insists on combining theory with practice, strengthens case teaching, and pays attention to the cultivation of practical ability. Continuously improve and innovate the curriculum system with the guidance of the National MPAcc Education Steering Committee.The program will also offer public basic courses, professional core courses, professional elective courses, characteristic selective courses, practice courses, and "MPAcc Lecture Hall" special lectures. The program relies on the application discipline and technological innovation of multi-disciplinary group linkage, focuses on the advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industry, and strives to cultivate good professional ethics, legal concepts, international vision, strategic awareness, and leadership potentialinternational accounting professionals who arehigh-level, high-quality, application-oriented, can systematically master and apply the knowledge and skills of modern accounting, auditing, financial management and related fields.

Yu Qianlong introduced the MPAcc program.

Outstanding Alumni Sharing

Dr Liu Sha, an MBA alumnus in the 2017 class and director of Training and Education of Shanghai Medtronic Innovation Center (Chengdu), shared his journey from teaching hospital to medical technology enterprise, from entering MBA of USST to completing his studies, and from anindividual contributor to a team leader. The speech was concise, powerful, and brilliant.

Alumnus Liu Sha sharing

Economic Joint Examination Programs Enrollment Conference

MF program director Gao Guangkuo presented the topic with"a set of data" and systematically introduced the situation of the MF program of USST. He said that the Master of Finance (Hujiang MF) at the Business School of USST aims to cultivate applied financial talents who are proficient in the principles of finance and have skills in the operation of commercial and investment banks, financial engineering, fintech and risk management.Enable students to effectively grasp the operational status of macroeconomic and financial fields, possess strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, and be suitable for working in financial institutions, government departments, and enterprises and institutions,providing high-quality and efficient financial services for green innovation and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.MF of USST has the historical advantages of characteristic direction, systematic, diversified, practices-focused, innovative and entrepreneurial education system, rich entrepreneurial and innovative practice resources, and strives to consolidate the incubation base aimed at cultivating growth or value-oriented international investment masters and traders, focusing on green (carbon) finance, providing high-quality and efficient services for the green innovation and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Gao Guangkuo introduced the MF program.

MIB program director Wei Jingfu mentioned that as one of the first 77 universities approved by the Ministry of Education to set up a master's degree in International Business in 2010, MIB of USST aligns with the internationally renowned Business School of AACSB, teaching and research focused on serving the major theme of "China entering and integrating into the global economy". Based on the regional positioning of Shanghai's construction of the "five centres" of the international economy, finance, trade, shipping, and technological innovation, aims to cultivate high-level international business professionals with an open mind and international vision, who are conscientious, realistic and innovative, have a sound personality and the courage to take responsibility, develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically, can adapt to the development of economic globalisation, information age. At present, MIB has three research directions: economic and trade issues around China, cross-border e-commerce, international commerce and cross-border mergers and acquisitions.

Wei Jingfu introduced the MIB program.

MT programdirector Lei Lianghai stressed that the professional degree Master of Taxation of USST was approved by the Ministry of Education in 2021, and the first graduate students of Taxation will be enrolled in 2023.The development of MT is rooted in more than 20 years of graduate training experience in Applied Economics and Finance at USST.MT of USST is supported by the TaxMaster's Program of the Shanghai Education Commission, focusing on the advanced manufacturing industry, modern service Industry (accounting firms, tax agents firms, law firms, financial management consulting companies, etc.), and financial and tax administration departments. To cultivate a systematic grasp of professional knowledge related to tax theory and policy, a full understanding of advanced tax practices such as tax inspection, tax planning, tax agency, etc., and familiarity with the advanced manufacturing industry, high-income groups and the dynamics of the digital economy, with a solid foundation, broad vision, good professional quality, social responsibility, good communication skills and "Innovative, technical and applied" senior tax professionals who can solve tax practice problems.

Lei Lianghai introduced the MT program.

In addition, in the "consultation and question answering" section, candidates carried out interactive exchanges and asked questionsactively. The program directors answered every question patiently and carefully and provided targeted guidance and advice to the candidates. Statistics showed that the live broadcast attracted more than 3,000 candidates to participate online.

Live room candidates participated in online exchanges.

At the end of the event, Zhang Zheng made a concluding speech. He sincerely thanked all the program directors and guests for participating in the event and sharing wonderful content during their busy schedules. He also expressed his high respect to the teachers who worked hard behind the scenes and welcomed the candidates to actively apply for the professional degree program of the Bussiness School of USST. He looked forward to meeting everyone in USST in the future, growing together, embarking on a new academic journey, and moving towards a better tomorrow.

Through a series of wonderful academic speeches, program introductions and alums sharing, the candidates who participated in this event said they gained a lot.

                                 Translated by: Bai Yuting

                                                       Reviewed by: Wang Yaopeng