职称/职务:教授 博士生导师
职称/职务:教授 博士生导师
【教育背景】 1992.9-1995.7,中国原子能科学研究院,核物理所,核理论专业,原子核大振幅运动输运理论研究DNA分子热融化,博士研究生毕业,获理学博士学位; 1989.9-1992.7,四川大学(原成都科学技术大学),应用物理系,理论物理专业,晶体掺杂过渡金属能谱及其压力移位,硕士研究生毕业,获理学硕士学位; 1985.9-1989.7 河北师范大学物理系,大学本科毕业,获理学学士学位; |
【研究方向】 长期从事复杂系统理论研究。在国内外有重要影响的学术刊物发表论文100余篇,引用次数超1800次,单篇引用超200次。围绕结构与动力学关系,研究工作主要包括, 1、DNA分子热融化。溶液中的DNA分子,在一个很窄的温度范围内双螺旋结构解链,是PCR扩增的工作基础,也能提供关于DNA复制的动力学过程信息。采用核大振幅输运理论,把大分子动力学演化转化为抽样过程,解决了多粒子耦合体系Langevin方程的求解问题 (见J. Phys. A 27, 6147(1995)); 2、时间序列分析最后一公里问题。传统序列分析基于统计假设,只有在序列足够长时能成立,在应用于生物、生理及金融等现实中短序列时,规律往往被掩盖在噪声中。在高能碰撞实验分析中,需要从有限的事例中把量子色动力学(QCD)信息提取出来,有效减小噪声影响,为此发展了阶乘矩理论。利用序列分析相空间重构技术,成功地把阶乘矩理论拓展到短序列片断特征提取,对序列自相似结构统计分析方法进行了有效修正。相关工作发表在J Theor Biol, 241,765(2006);246,28(2007); 247,645(2007), Phys Rev E 84,066114(2011); 86,056107(2012) ; PLOS ONE 9(12)116128(2014); 10(11):e143015(2015), Phys LettA 378,2591-2596(2014)等。 3、复杂网络谱结构与动力学性质。复杂系统诸元素及其关系可以用复杂网络描述。节点和边分别表示元素和关系。把复杂网络节点和边映射为原子和原子之间的作用,采用休克(Huckel)模型, 复杂网络拓扑结构矩阵可以做原子团的哈密顿(Hamiltonian)处理。这一原子团的谱结构能反映出内部结构对称性。本部分工作试图分析网络谱结构特征,建立复杂网络(谱)结构与动力学关系。由于网络结构的复杂性,谱结构的对称性质不能采用群论等传统理论工具研究。首次提出把能谱看作时间序列,采用时间序列分析方法,发现复杂网络中普遍存在长程关联与自相似结构;首次从网络体系运动形成的弹性波出发,采用量子与经典对应及核能谱分析中发展起来的随机矩阵理论(Random MatrixTheory),提出了一个新的判定复杂网络同步能力的指标,给出了复杂网络结构增强同步能力的一个物理机制(也就是通过混沌过程达到同步)。相关工作发表在Phys. Rev. E 69,066104 (2004); 72, 046119 (2005); 77,045101(R)(2008); 77,066113 (2008), CHAOS 16, 043112 (2006), New J. Phys. 10,023006(2008); 12,023016 (2010), EPJB 85, 106 (2012), PLOS ONE 10(8): e128251(2015),Physica A 364,544(2006)等。 4、基于复杂网络的时间序列分析,提出基于相空间重构的把序列映射为复杂网络的方法,提出基于小图的时间序列相关性结构分析方法;系统生物学相关问题,包括DNA序列分析,复杂疾病生物标志物和复杂疾病药物作用机理等;基于人工智能的规律发现和复杂系统预测等. 【科研项目】 承担完成自然科学基金面上项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金面上和重大项目、科技部973项目等多项。 1、基于复杂网络谱的细胞网络比较, 国家自然科学基金面上项目; 2、系统分析与集成科研平台建设, 中央财政支持地方高校建设资金项目; 3、上海市高教系统特聘教授(东方学者)资金支持计划; 4、复杂调控网络动力学结构分析与模型构造, 国家自然科学基金面上项目; 5、在轨服务反步控制算法研究(企业横向课题) 【主要论文列表】 [100]Synchronizationof reservoir computers with applications to communications, TongfengWeng, Jia Song, Huijie Yang, Changgui Gu, Jie Zhang and Michael Small, PhysicaA 544, 123453 (2020). [099]Visibility graph analysis of Bitcoin priceseries, Keshi Liu, Tongfeng Weng, Changgui Gu and Huijie Yang, Physica A 538, 122952(2020). [098]Excited state ofspiral waves in oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems caused by a pulse, Jian Gao, Changgui Gu ,HuijieYang and Tongfeng Weng, Phys. Rev. E 101,042219 (2020). [097] A universal state equation of particle gases forpassenger flights in United States, Pei-Wen Yao, Yan-Jun Wang, Chen-Ping Zhu, Fan Wu,Ming-Hua Hu, Hui-Jie Yang, Vu Duong, Chin-Kun Hu and H. Eugene Stanley, Physica A 545, 123748 (2020). [096]A type of bi-stable spiral wave in a single-period oscillatory medium, Gao,Jian; Gu, Changgui*; Yang, Huijie; Weng, tongfeng; CommunNonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 2020, 85: 105233. [095]Visibility graph analysis of Bitcoin price series, Keshi Liu, Tongfeng Weng, Changgui Gu andHuijie Yang, Physica A 538, 122952 (2020). [094]Synchronization of chaotic systems and their machine-learning models, Tongfeng Weng, Huijie Yang, Changgui Gu, JieZhang and Machael Small, Phys. Rev. E 99,042203(2019). [093]Traffic systems recovery from complete congestion by the targeted dropping ofpackets, Gan-Hua Wu and Hui-Jie Yang, Modern Physics Letters B|Vol. 33,No. 08, 1950096 (2019) . [092]Evolution of scaling behavors in currency exchange rate series, Wenxiu Feng, Yue Yang, Qianshun Yuan, ChangguiGu and Huijie Yang, Fractals27(2): 19500051 (2019). [091]Relaxation of gene network after injection of influenza virus, Shiguo Deng, Henggang Ren, Qianshun Yuan andHuijie Yang, J. Phys. Conf. 1302(4): 042016 (2019). [090]Sampling frequency dependent visibility graphlet approach to time series, Yan Wang, Tongfeng Weng, Shiguo Deng,Changgui Gu and Huijie Yang, Chaos 29, 023109 (2019). [089]Information on evolutionary age in redundancy of complex network, Shiguo Deng, Henggang Ren, Tongfeng Weng,Changgui Gu and Huijie Yang, Modern Physics Letters B 33(27), 1950331(2019). [088]Scale-Invariance Exists in the Series of Character Intervals in the Four GreatChinese Novels, Quan-Chao Gu, Gui-Qiu Qin,Yi-Qing Wang), Chang-Gui Gu and Hui-Jie Yang, Commun.Theor. Phys. 71, 1139 (2019). [087]Heterogeneity in relaxation rate improves the synchronization of oscillatoryneurons in a model of the SCN, ChangguiGu, Huijie Yang, Man Wang and Jos H. T. Rohling, Chaos29, 013103 (2019). [086]Size of a steady disturbance source affects the frequency of a target wave, Jian Gao, Changgui Gu, Huijie Yang, andTongfeng Weng, AIP Advances 9, 085034 (2019). [085]Entrainment range affected by the heterogeneity in the amplitude relaxationrate of suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons Chang-GuiGu(顾长贵),Ping Wang(王萍),Hui-Jie Yang(杨会杰) , Chin.Phys. B. 28(1): 018701 (2019). [084]Heterogeneity of neuronal properties determines the collective behavior of theneurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, GuChanggui, Wang Ping, Weng Tongfeng, Yang Huijie and Jos Rohling, MathBiosci Eng. 16(4), 1893-1913 (2019). [083]Splitting between two subgroups of the SCN neurons with instantaneous feedback ChangguiGu, Xiangwei Gu, Henggang Ren, Ping Wang, Huijie Yang and Jos H. T. Rohling, NonlinearDynamics 97, 1245-1251 (2019). [082]Heterogeneity in relaxation rate improves the synchronization of oscillatoryneurons in a model of the SCN, ChangguiGu, Huijie Yang, Man Wang and Jos Rohling, Chaos29, 013103 (2019). [081]Entrainment range affected by the heterogeneity in the amplitude relaxationrate of SCN neurons, Chang-Gui Gu, Ping Wang andHui-Jie Yang, Chin. Phys. B,28 (1): 018701(2019). [080]Predator-prey games on complex networks, Tongfeng Weng, Huijie Yang, Changgui Gu, JieZhang, Pan Hui, Michael Small, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Num. Sim. 79, 104911(2019). [079]Synchronizing hyperchaotic subsystems with a single variable: A reservoircomputing approach, XiaoluChen, Tongfeng Weng, Changgui Gu and Huijie Yang, PhysicaA 534(15), 122273 (2019). [078]Synchronization of chaotic systems and their machine learning models, Tongfeng Weng, Huijie Yang, Changgui Gu, JieZhang and Michael Small, Phys.Rev. E 99, 042203 (2019). [077]Limit Cycles and Invariant Curves in a Class of Switching Systems with DegreeFour, XinliLi, Huijie Yang and Binghong Wang, Journalof function spaces 2018: 4716047 (2018) [9pages] [076]Efficient priority queueing routing strategy on networks of mobile agents, Gan-HuaWu, Hui-Jie Yang and Jia-Hui Pan, ModernPhysics Letters B 32(09), 1850137 (2018) . [075]Ratio between sensitive strength to light information and the coupling strengthaffects entrainment range of suprachiasmatic nucleus, ChangguiGu*, Huijie Yang, Man Wang*, Commun.Theor. Phys. (2018) 70, 771–776. [074]Community detection based on preferred mode in bipartite networks, GuolinWu, Changgui Gu*; Qiu Lu and HuijieYang, ModernPhysics Letters B 1850330 (2018) . [073]A patient suffering from neurodegenerative disease may have a strengthenedfractal gait rhythm, HenggangRen, Yue Yang, Changgui Gu, Tongfeng Weng, Huijie Yang*, IEEETrans. Neural Syst. Rehab Engineering 26 (9) (2018) 1765-1772 [072]Double transition of information spreading in a two-layered network, JiaoWu, Muhua Zheng, Wei Wang, Huijie Yang, and Changgui Gu*, Chaos28, 083117 (2018). [071]Influential promotes cooperation in spatial games, Wen-JingLi , Luo-Luo Jiang, Changgui Gu*, and Huijie Yang, J.Stat. Mech. (2018) 063406 . [070]Dependence of the entrainment on the ratio of amplitudes between two subgroupsin the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Changgui Gu*,Huijie Yang, JohannaH. Meijer, and Jos H. T. Rohling, Phy. Rev. E (2018) 97, 062215 [069]Immediate causality network of stock markets, LiZhou, Lu Qiu, Changgui Gu and Huijie Yang, EPL,121 (2018) 48002 [068]Unbiased detrended fluctuation analysis: Long-range correlations in very shorttime series, Qianshun Yuan, Changgui Gu,Tongfeng Weng, Huijie Yang *, Physica A 505 (2018) 179–189 [067]State network approach to characteristics of financial crises, LuQiu, Changgui Gu, Qin Xiao, Huijie Yang, Guolin Wu, PhysicaA 492 1120–1128 (2018) . [066]Exponential distance distribution of connected neurons in simulations oftwo-dimensional in vitro neural network development, Zhi-SongLv, Chen-Ping Zhu, Pei Nie, Jing Zhao, Hui-Jie Yang, Yan-Jun Wang and Chin-KunHu, Frontiersof Physics 12: 128902 (2017). [065]The influence of migration speed on cooperation in spatial games, Wen-Jing Li, Luo-Luo Jiang, Changgui Gu*, andHuijie Yang, J.Stat. Mech (2017) 123401. [064]Dispersion of the intrinsic neuronal periods affects the relationship of theentrainment range to the coupling strength in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, ChangguiGu*, Huijie Yang and Man Wang, Phys.Rev. E (2017) 96, 052207. [063]Scaling invariance embedded in very short time series: A factorial moment baseddiffusion entropy approach, Yue Yang, Lu Qiu, Tianguang Yang,Liying Hou, Changgui Gu and Huijie Yang, Chinese J. Phys. 55, 2325–2335(2017). [062]A uniform framework of projection and community detection for one-mode networkin bipartite networks, Guolin Wu,Changgui Gu, Lu Qiu, Huijie Yang, Chin. Phys.B 26(12), 128901 (2017); DOI:10.1088/1674-1056/26/12/128901 [061]Difference in intrinsic amplitudes of neuronal oscillators improves theirsynchronization in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Changgui Gu, and Huijie Yang, Chaos 27, 093108 (2017) [060]The asymmetry of the entrainment range induced by the difference in intrinsicfrequencies between two subgroups within the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Changgui Gu*, and Huijie Yang, Chaos 27, 063115 (2017). [059]Entrainment range of the suprachiasmatic nucleus affected by the difference inthe neuronal amplitudes between the light-sensitive and light-insensitiveregions, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, and Zhongyuan Ruan, Phys. Rev. E 95, 042409 (2017). [058]Network-based Landscape of Research Strengths of Universities in MainlandChina, Zihua Liu, Qin Xiao, Qian Zhan,Changgui Gu, and Huijie Yang, Physica A (2017)478, 49–62 [057]Dissociation between two subgroups of the suprachiasmatic nucleus affected by thenumber of damped oscillated neurons, Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, andJos HT Rohling, Phys. Rev. E 95, 032302 (2017). [056]Evolution of scaling behaviors embedded in sentence series from A Story of theStone Yue Yang, Changgui Gu, Qin Xiao, Huijie Yang PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171776 (2017). [055]An Improved Archaeology Algorithm Based on Integrated Multi-Source BiologicalInformation for Yeast Protein Interaction Network, Jin Zhang,Huijie Yang, Houbing Song, Yuan Zhang, IEEE ACESS 5,15893-15900(2017). [054]In search of coding and non-coding regions of DNA sequences based on balancedestimation of diffusion entropy, Jin Zhang and Huijie Yang, Journal of Biological Physics42(1), 99-106 (2016). [053]差分网络研究金融危机对行业的冲击 邱路,贾天明,杨会杰 物理学报65,198901(2016) [052] Multifractals embeddedin short time series: An unbiased estimation of probability moment, LuQiu, Tianguang Yang, Yanhua Yin, Changgui Gu and Huijie Yang, Phys.Rev. E 94(6), 062201(2016) [051] Adiffusion perspective on temporial networks: A case study on a supermarket Shiguo Deng, Lu Qiu, Yue Yang, and HuijieYang Physica A 441,62-68(2016) [050]Noise induces oscillation and synchronization of the circadian neurons Changgui Gu, Jinshan Xu, Jos Rohling, HuijieYang, and Zonghua Liu PLOS ONE 10(12):e0145360(2015)[13 pages] [049]Visibility graph based time series analysis Mutua Stephen, Changgui Gu, and Huijie Yang PLOS ONE 10(11):e143015(2015) [19 pages] [048] Investigation ofLogistic chaotic time series based upon energy spectral fluctuation analysis QinXiao, and Huijie Yang Journalof Atomic and Molecular physics 32(5),891-895(2015) [in Chinese] [047]Nontrivial characteristics embedded in microarray coexpression profiles Chuanyang Yin, Huijie Yang, Guimei Zhu, andBinghong Wang Journal of Physics: conference series604,012022(2015) [046]Discrete scale-invariance in cross-correlation between time series Qin Xiao, Xue Pan, Mutua Stephen, Xinli Li,and Huijie Yang Physica A 421,161-170(2015) [045]Network-based identification of reliable bio-markers for cancers Shiguo Deng, Jingchao Qi, Mutua Stephen, LuQiu, Huijie Yang Journal of Theoretica Biology 383,20-27(2015) [044] Energy spectralbehaviors of communication networks of open-source communities Jianmeiyang, Huijie Yang, Hao Liao, Jiangtao Wang, and Jinquan Zeng PLOSONE 10(6):e0128251(2015) [043]Long-term memories in online users' selection activities Xue Pan, Lei Hou, Mutua Stephen, and HuijieYang Physics Letters A 378(35),2591-2596(2014) [042]Evaluation of scaling invariance embedded in short time series Xue Pan, Lei Hou, Mutua Stephen, Huijie Yang,and Chenping Zhu PLOS ONE 9(12):e116128(2014) [041] The control gain regionfor synchronization in non-diffusively coupled complex networks LiuGequn, Li Wenhui, Yang Huijie, and Gareth Knowles Physica A 405,17-24(2014). [040] Row-columnvisibility graph appraoch to two-dimensional landscapes Xiao Qin, Pan Xue, Li Xin-li, Mutua Stephen,Yang Hui-jie, Jiang Yan, Wang Jian-yong, and Zhang Qing-jun ChinesePhysics B 23(7):078904(2014) [039]Statistics of extreme events in Chinese stock market Wu Gan-hua, Qiu Lu, Mutua Stephen, Li Xin-li,Yang Yue, Yang Hui-jie, and Jiang Yan ChinesePhysics B 23(12):0128901(2014) [038]Principal Component Analysis Based Measure of Structural Holes Shiguo Deng, Huijie Yang and Wenqing Zhang Journal of Physics: Conf. 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E 77, 045101(R) (2008) [026]Complex network-based time series analysis Yue Yang,Huijie Yang Physica A 387,1381(2008) [025] The process of co-evolutionarycompetitive exclusion: speciation, multi-fractality and power-laws incorrelations Chen-PingZhu, Tao Zhou, Hui-Jie Yang, Shi-Jie Xiong, Zhi-Ming Gu, Da-Ning Shi, Da-Ren Heand Bing-Hong Wang NewJournal of Physics 10,023006 (2008) [024]Scale invariance of human electroencephalogram signals in sleep Shimin Cai, Zhaohui Jiang, Tao Zhou, PeilingZhou, Huijie Yang, and Binghong Wang Phys.Rev. E 76, 061903 (2007) [023]Diffusion entropy analysis on the stride interval fluctuation of human gait Shimin Cai, Peiling Zhou, Huijie Yang, et al Physica A 375, 687(2007) [022]Scaling Behaviour and Memory in Heart Rate of Healthy Human Shimin Cai,Hu Peng,Huijie Yang,et al Chin. Phys. Lett. 24,3002(2007) [021]Error thresholds for quasispecies on single peak Gaussian-distributed fitness X. Feng, Y. Li, J. Gu, Y. Zhuo, and HuijieYang J. Theor. 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[013]Traffic dynamics based on an efficient routing strategy on scale free networks Chuan-Yang Yin, Bing-Hong Wang, Wen-Xu Wang,Gang Yan, Hui-jie Yang The European Physical Journal B49, 205(2006) [012]Efficient routing on scale-free networks based on local information Chuan-Yang Yin, Bing-Hong Wang, Wen-Xu Wang,Tao Zhou and Hui-Jie Yang Physics Letters A351, 220(2006). [011]Empirical Study on the Volatility of Hang-Seng Index CaiShi-Min, Zhou Pei-Ling, Yang Hui-Jie, Yang Chun-Xia, Wang Bing-Hong, ZhouTao Chin.Phys.Lett.23, 754(2006) [010] Scaling Invariance inSpectra of Complex Networks: A Diffusion Factorial Moment Approach FangcuiZhao, Huijie Yang, Binghong Wang Physical Review E 72, 046119(2005) [009]Diffusion Entropy Approach to Complexity of a Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron, Huijie Yang, Fangcui Zhao, Wei Zhang andZhongnan Li, Physica A 347,704(2005). [008]Temporal series analysis approach to spectra of complex networks, Huijie Yang, Fangcui Zhao, longyu Qi andBeilai Hu, PhysicalReview E 69,066104(2004). [007]Modeling SARS spreading on complex networks, Huijie Yang, Yun Zhou, Fangcui Zhao, ZhongnanLi and Wei Zhang, Int.J. Mod. Phys. B18, 2734(2004). [006]Analysis of DNA Chains By Means of Factorial Moments, Huijie Yang, Fangcui Zhao, Yizhong Zhuo,Xizhen Wu, Zhuxia Li, PhysicsLetters A 292, 349(2002). [005]Investigation on Gait Time Series By Means of Factorial Moments, Huijie Yang, Fangcui Zhao, Yizhong Zhuo,Xizhen Wu, Zhuxia Li, PhysicaA 312, 23 (2002). [004]Dyamical Fluctuations in Biological Processes with Factorial Moments, HuijieYang, Fangcui Zhao, AIPConference Proceedings 597, 396 (2001). [003] Using Nuclear TransportTheory to study Nonlinear Effects between the Different Strands in DNA XianjunYang, Huijie Yang, Xizhen Wu, Yizhong Zhuo ChineseJournal of Nuclear Physics 18(3),165-170 (1996). [002] Theoretical Study ofBrownian-like Motion of Suspended Particles in Nematic Liquid Crystals, Huijie Yang, Yizhong Zhuo, Xizhen Wu, XiaoweiTang Phys. Lett. A 203, 157(1995). [001] Investigation ofthermal denaturation of DNA molecules based upon non-equilibrium transportapproach, HuijieYang, Yizhong Zhuo, Xizhen Wu, Journalof Physics A27, 6147(1995). |
1、金融物理学导论/ FinancialPhysics(研究生/留学研究生) 2、系统生物学基础/BasicConcepts in Systems Biology(研究生/留学研究生) 3、自组织临界理论(研究生) 4、理论生物学(研究生) 5、高等量子力学(研究生) 6、统计学(本科) 7、计量经济学(本科) 8、数据结构(本科) 9、系统工程导论(本科) 10、人工智能基础(本科) 11、大学物理(本科) 12、量子力学(本科) |
【学术任职】 1、中国系统工程学会理事; 2、中国复杂科学研究会副主任; 3、中国交叉科学学会副秘书长; 4、中国交叉科学学会,复杂性科学专委会理事; 5、上海市学位委员会第五届学科评议组成员. 【工作经历】 2010.03--现在 上海理工大学,管理学院系统科学系,理学教授,博士生导师;2007.02--2010.03新加坡国立大学物理系,Research FellowA, 复杂网络与系统生物学相关课题研究,期间于2007年6月入职上海理工大学; 2002.4-2005.5 南开大学,物理学院生物物理系,副教授,生物物理系副主任; 2005.5-2007.2中国科学技术大学,近代物理系非线性科学中心,副教授(博士后),复杂网络与复杂性理论研究 1995.7-2002.4 河北工业大学,理学院物理所,副教授,物理专业本科和研究生教学和科研工作; |
上海市学科评议组成员 |