职称/职务:教授 博士生导师
职称/职务:教授 博士生导师
主要学习经历 硕士、博士:1997.9—2002.3,上海大学,计算数学 本科:1987.9—1991.7,北京大学,计算数学
主要工作经历 2014.12—至今: 上海理工大学,数学系 2003.10—2014.11:上海师范大学,数学系 2002.4—2003.9:北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,计算物理实验室 |
代表性项目 [1]国家973计划项目,子课题负责人 [2]国家自然科学基金面上项目4项(10771142、11171225、11571238、12071294),负责人 [3]高校博士点基金(20133127110006),负责人 [4]上海市教委曙光计划项目(08SG45),负责人论文 [1]Yuling Guo and Zhongqing Wang, An hp-version Chebyshev collocation method for nonlinear fractional differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 158(2020) 194-211. [2]Xuhong Yu, Lusha Jin and Zhongqing Wang, Efficient and accurate Chebyshev dual-Petrov-Galerkin methods for odd-order differential equations, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 39(2021), 43-62. [3]Zhang Yang, Yu, Xuhong and Wang Zhongqing, Efficient and accurate Legendre spectral element methods for one-dimensional higher order problems, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 14 (2021), 461-487. [4]Yuling Guo and Wang Zhongqing, An hp-version Legendre spectral collocation method for multi-order fractional differential equations, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 47, 37 (2021). [5]Zhongqing Wang, Min Zhou, Yuling Guo, An hp-version Jacobi spectral collocation method for the third-kind VIEs, Journal of Scientific Computing, 87 (2021), no. 1, Paper No. 19, 15 pp. [6]Gu Dong-qin and Wang Zhong-qing, Orthogonal Jacobi rational functions and spectral methods on the half line, Journal of Scientific Computing, 88 (2021), no. 1, Paper No. 17. [7]Xuhong Yu, Xueqin Ye and Zhongqing Wang, A fast solver of Legendre-Laguerre spectral element method for the Camassa-Holm equation, Numerical Algorithms, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-020-01028-y. [8]Shan Li, Jinju Wu, Zhongqing Wang, Sobolev orthogonal Legendre rational spectral methods for exterior problems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 10.1080/00207160.2021.1913127. |
《微分方程数值解》 |