
职称/职务:教授 博士生导师












1.Yu, J., Liu, Y., Barriers to Transportation in Rural Communities: Perspective of Older Adult Users, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 2023, gbad135, https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbad135.

2.Jing Zhao, Jie Yu, Fanlei Zhang, Yue Liu. Mitigation of signalized intersection collision risks with trajectory based dynamic dilemma zone protection. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2023, 192: 107288.

3.Yuan, Y., Yu, J.*, Locating transit hubs in a multi-modal transportation network: A cluster-based optimization approach, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 114, pp. 85-103. 

4.Gu, W., Yu, J., Ji, Y., Zheng, Y, Zhang, H. M., Plan-based flexible bus bridging operation strategy, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2018, 91, pp. 209-229. 

5.Yuan Y., Liu Y., Yu J., Traffic management in a dynamic evacuation network: trade-off between signal and cross-elimination strategies, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2018, 97, pp. 385-408. 

6.Yu, J.*, Liu, Y., Prioritizing highway traffic safety improvement projects: a multi-criteria approach with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process, Safety Science, 2012, 50(4), pp. 1085–1092.

7.Jin H., Yu J.*, Yang X., Impact of curbside bus stop locations on mixed traffic dynamics: a bus route perspective, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2019, 15(2), 1419-1439.

8.Han D., Lee Y., Yu J., Dejno C., How Does Driving Status Affect Trip Patterns among Older Adults in Suburban and Rural Communities, Journal of Transport and Health, 2021, 21, 101052. 

9.Jin H., Yu J.*, How to make public transit gender responsive: Evidence from the 2017 US National Household Travel Survey, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2021, 147(3), 04021021. 

10.Liu X., Yu J.*, Yang X., Tan W., Multi-perspective Bus Route Planning in a Stackelberg Game Framework, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1801320. 

11.Liu X., Yu J.*, Trisha S., Beimborn E., Exploring the Feasibility of Mobility as a Service in Small Urban and Rural Communities: Lessons from a Case Study, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2020, 146(3), 05020016. 

12.Pan H., Yu J.*, Liu Z., Chen W. Optimal train skip-stop operation at urban rail transit transfer stations for non-recurrent extreme passenger flow mitigation, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2020, 146(7), 04020062. 

13.Li J., Liu Z., Yu J., Hu H. Effect of Urban Rail Transit Lines Linking the New Towns on Land Value Uplift in the Megacity Based on Difference-in-Difference Model, Transportation Research Record, 2020.

14.Han D., Yu J.*, Beimborn E., Jin Z., Tan W., Elements of Successful University Student Transit Pass Programs from Planning to Implementation: A Benchmark Study, Transportation Research Record, 2019, 2673(4), 833-843. 

15.Han D., Yu J.*, Data-driven Tool for Planning Metro Feeder Bus Routes, International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 8(3): 49-58.

16.Zhao J., Yu J.*, Xia X., Ye J., Yuan Y., Exclusive bus lane network design: a perspective from intersection operational dynamics, Networks and Spatial Economics. 2019, 19(4), 1143–1171. 

17.Zhao J., Yu J.*, Zhou X., Saturation Flow Models at the Exit Lanes for Left-turn (EFL) intersections, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2019, 145(3), 04018090.

18.Li, X., Yu, J.*, Shaw J., and Wang Y., Route-Level Transit Operational-Efficiency Assessment with a Bootstrap Super-Data-Envelopment Analysis Model, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2017, 143(3), pp. 04017007-1-9. 

19.Yu, J.*, Lu, X., Pan, S., Guo, C., Traveler willingness to use flexible transit service in China: A Case Study of Qilu Software Park, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2017, 143(2), pp. 05016018-1-8. 

20.Mojtaba H., Yu, J.*, and Liu, Y., Strategic evacuation planning with pedestrian guidance and bus routing: a mixed integer programming model and heuristic solution, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2016, 50(7), pp. 1314–1335. 

21.Hu, H., Gao, Y., Yu, J.*, Liu, Z., Li, X., Planning bus bridging evacuation during rail transit operation disruption, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2016, 142(4), pp.04016015-1-9.

22.Lu, X., Yu, J.*, Yang X., Pan, S., Zou, N., Flexible feeder transit route design to enhance service accessibility in urban area, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2016, 50(4), pp.507-521.

23.Pan, S., Yu, J.*, Yang, X., Liu, Y., and Zou, N., Designing a Flexible Feeder Transit System Serving Irregularly Shaped and Gated Communities: Determining Service Area and Feeder Route Planning, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2015, 141(3), pp.100-109.

24.Luo, Z., Liu, Y., and Yu, J., Estimation of Urban Transportation Network Capacity Considering Traveler Road Preferences, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2012, 138(2)., pp.133–142

25.Liu, Y., Li, P., Wehner, K., and Yu, J., A Generalized Corridor Diversion Control Model for Freeway Incident Management, Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2013, 28(8), pp. 604-620. 

26.Yu J.*, Liu Y., and Mao J., 2012. An Importance Segregation Based Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Traffic Safety Improvement Countermeasure Selection, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2012, 1(2), pp. 205-218.

27.Yu, J.*, Zou N., Fu L.N., and Li X. Y., Childhood Road Safety Behaviors in China: A Cross-sectional Study of Guangzhou City, Traffic Injury Prevention, 2012, 13(6), pp.620-630. 

28.Yu, J.*, Chang, G. L., Ma. W. J. and Yang, X. G., Locating urban transit hubs: A multi-criteria model and case study in China, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012, 137(12), pp. 944–952,

29.Liu, Y., Yu J., and Chang, G. L., An empirical study of driver behavioral patterns during the yellow signal phase at six Maryland intersections of high accident rates, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012, 138(1), pp.31–42 

30.Luo, Z., Liu, Y., and Yu, J., Estimation of Urban Transportation Network Capacity Considering Traveler Road Preferences, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2012, 138(2), pp.133–142.

31.Liu, Y., Chang, G. L., and Yu J., An integrated control model for freeway corridor under non-recurrent congestion, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2011, 60(4), pp.1404 – 1418.

32.Yu, J.*, Park S. Y., and Chang G. L., Advanced Travelers Information System for Guiding Route Choice to Ocean City, Maryland, Transportation Research Record, 2010, No. 2112, pp 56-67.

33.Yu, J.*, and Chang G. L., A Cluster-Based Hierarchical Model for Urban Transit Hub Location Planning: Formulation, Solution, and Case Study, Transportation Research Record, 2009, No. 2112, pp. 8–16.

34.Yu, J.*, Chang, G. L. and Yang, X. G., Cluster-based Optimization of Urban Transit Hub Locations: Methodology and Case Study in China, Transportation Research Record, 2008, No. 2042, pp. 109-116.


本科课程:Transportation Engineering, Transportation Facilities Design, 绿色交通系统,人工智能概论

研究生课程:Graph Theory,Transit Planning & Operations,Transportation System Design


1.美国土木工程师协会Journal of Urban Planning and Development副主编,2012-2022

2.美国科学院交通运输委员会,AP030 Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy学术委员会委员,2018-今

3.美国科学院交通运输委员会,AP055 Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation学术委员会委员,2020-今

4.美国科学院交通运输委员会,AP060 Paratransit学术委员会委员,2018-2020

5.美国科学院交通运输委员会,AP018T Transit Safety and Security学术委员会委员,2018-2021



1.Faculty Research Grant Award from Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leaderships, 2018

2.Final Winner Award from Foxconn Smart City - Smart Future Competition (only 12 chosen out of 325 applications),2019 

3.Featured by UWM Research Magazine,2020

4.Featured by Milwaukee Engineer newsletter,2020

5.UWM Excellence in Mentoring Award for The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program,2018

6.Outstanding Reviewer Award from American Society of Civil Engineers,2012


