Governors' partisanship and corporate environmental performance: Evidence from Korean firms

发布时间:2022-06-06        浏览量:1002



主题:Governors' partisanship and corporate environmental performance: Evidence from Korean firms(韩国省长的党籍与企业环境绩效:来自于韩国上市企业的证据


简介:YU BYUNGJUN(俞炳俊),工商管理系讲师,韩国籍,主要研究领域包括家族企业、企业社会责任、公司治理等。本科就读于韩国培才大学,获学士学位;2011-2020在上海交通大学获硕士、博士学位。在 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Business Strategy And Environment, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, and Journal of Cleaner Production等国际期刊发表论文。

摘要:This study investigates the relationship between governors' partisanship and the corporate environmental performance of firms in South Korea. According to political ideology perspective, governors' partisanship closely influences the policy directions and preferences of the provincial administration. Conservative (red) governors tend to induce and encourage competition among firms by deregulating and offering policy benefits to businesses at the provincial level. In response to increased competition in provinces governed by red governors, firms commit to aggressive environmental initiatives as a strategic differentiation tool, in contrast to their behavior in provinces controlled by liberal (blue) governors. Moreover, we examine a contingent role of the provincial Congress. According to the principle of checks and balances, the positive impact of red governors on a firm's environmental performance is stronger when the provincial Congress is controlled by the liberal (blue) party, with its checks and balances on the red governors. This study extends an institutional theory by exploring institutional setting mechanisms at the provincial level.

本研究从地方政府层面探讨韩国省长的党籍和省议会的党派控制对企业环境绩效的影响。韩国政府官员的党籍在制定和执行政策过程中扮演着关键性的角色。根据政治理念框架,保守主义党派注重于产权、个人主义、市场体制。相反,进步主义党派重视社会福利和社会变化。具体而言,保守主义党派(红色)通常以撤销规制和提供政策上的优惠等方式来鼓励企业间竞争,进步主义党派(蓝色)倾向于制裁或处罚产生环境污染的企业(环境法规)来推动企业绿色战略。对企业而言,不同党派制定不同的制度环境。本研究表明,由于省议会可以有效监督省长,在进步主义党派控制省议会时,红色省长 (保守主义党派)和企业环境绩效的正向相关关系会更加突出。